During class I have been able to add to my PLN and have picked up on numerous ideas for my classroom. It has been a great way to learn from fellow professionals and their experiences, as well as sharing my own.
A couple of people that I have started following over the past few weeks are Steven Anderson and Mary Beth Hertz. Each of these educators constantly share tech ideas in the classroom, ideas on best practice, and their thoughts on how education is changing. These two are among the many teachers I have started following that make it easier to find articles and information from sources I would normally not search.
Another great resource from Twitter has been #edchat #techedchat and other educational hash tags. The edchat that I participated in was a unique experience and more beneficial than any other professional development I had ever participated in. Although it moved really fast and left me frantic, I was able to pick up on a lot of great ideas and thoughts from some excellent educators.
I really have come to enjoy Twitter on a number of levels, professionally and personally. It has become a part of my daily routine as I check my email and Facebook, I have also begun checking my Twitter feed. I have also downloaded other apps that allow me to save links to articles I read on Twitter. I have learned a lot from these people I follow and will continue to curate this network and grow my PLN through the use of Twitter.
WONDERFUL to read that you have a plan to continue to use Twitter! I enjoyed your response about the #edchat "The edchat that I participated in was a unique experience and more beneficial than any other professional development I had ever participated in." Twitter is very engaging, interactive PD where everyone has a voice and contribute to make an inspiring conversation! Great post!