Your summary was very well down. You did a nice job of explaining the main points the author made in your own words. As you said, the questions posed in the article are so relevant to you as you are faced with determining what value do the devices add for teaching and learning if you were to acquire ipads/ipods in the classroom. How will it improve their learning outcomes? How will they empower students? I like how you concluded with a quote, "The author's mission is to remind us that teaching is simple. How can we enhance and compliment what we are already doing."
Your summary was very well down. You did a nice job of explaining the main points the author made in your own words. As you said, the questions posed in the article are so relevant to you as you are faced with determining what value do the devices add for teaching and learning if you were to acquire ipads/ipods in the classroom. How will it improve their learning outcomes? How will they empower students? I like how you concluded with a quote, "The author's mission is to remind us that teaching is simple. How can we enhance and compliment what we are already doing."